Eldar Codex Review Part 1: Fluff and Aesthetics
The new Eldar codex was released with a great howl from the Warp, and much wailing and gnashing of teeth from the Internet at large. Would tournaments simply ban the […]
The new Eldar codex was released with a great howl from the Warp, and much wailing and gnashing of teeth from the Internet at large. Would tournaments simply ban the […]
We’ve set up a new Patreon campaign! There are a number of reasons Variance Hammer is trying this particular form of funding. The first is that ads…just aren’t a thing anymore. […]
Instead of feeding into the Eldar Codex rumors/lamenting/wailing and gnashing of teeth that are currently making their way across the internet, I thought I’d talk about something entirely while I […]
It’s been awhile since I’ve had a chance to make a post (a very long and much needed vacation and the academic job hunting season will do that…) and while […]
My primary army, which is growing alarmingly large, is a Corsair-themed Eldar/Dark Eldar force, and I have a known and profound weakness for small, fast, lightly armored gunboats. You can […]
In the next few days, there is going to be a lot of posts about the results of the Las Vegas Open 40K Championship, and for good reason. It is […]
The rumors of new Harlequin models and rules have gone from “rampant speculation” to the usual sketchy photos of models that look like they were taken with a Cold War-era pen […]