Review: Warhammer 40,000 Assault Dice
This review is a little bit of a departure from the “40K on iOS” series, as it’s not an attempt to capture the tabletop feel in a mobile game, but […]
This review is a little bit of a departure from the “40K on iOS” series, as it’s not an attempt to capture the tabletop feel in a mobile game, but […]
Rare is the time when I feel the need to write a post just so I can have something to link to later, but this is one of those times. […]
Looking at the remarkably hard to put together data set of Forge World book release dates that underpinned this post, I started thinking about other things that could potentially be […]
Awhile back, I found myself browsing the Forge World website and lamenting the disappearance of a number of models that, while not officially discontinued, have been out of stock on […]
As I discussed in my review of Deathwatch – Tyranid Invasion, I’ve been traveling a lot recently, and there’s something futile about painting in a Hilton Garden Inn, so instead I’ve […]
The Craftworld Warhost detachment, in the Eldar Codex (covered here), is a great detachment. Some rules that, while tempting, are not overwhelmingly good. A good dose of flavor along with […]
A few days ago, Bell of Lost Souls published an article with the following title: Anatomy of a 40K Disaster: USA vs Europe ETC Analysis. My first though reading the title […]
Thanks to the entire “Allies of the Imperium” faction being Battle Brothers, it’s never been easier to take an army that is, in essence, an Imperium Grab-Bag. This is especially […]
Yesterday Episode 127 of the podcast The Independent Characters was released, closing down the show on a high note. The ICs have been massively influential in my return to the hobby, […]
I was watching the Signals from the Frontline live-cast on Twitch, and one of the folks in the chatroom posted an excellent question – regrettably, I didn’t save it, but in […]