Zone Mortalis on a Budget? Reviewing ‘Deadbolt’s Derelict’ by Deathray Designs
Void war was my first real love in Warhammer 40K. It was Battlefleet Gothic that sold me on the grandeur of the setting and the scale of the battles that […]
Void war was my first real love in Warhammer 40K. It was Battlefleet Gothic that sold me on the grandeur of the setting and the scale of the battles that […]
I’ve always been a fan of basing. I’m not sure why – maybe because basing responds really well to thinks like washing and dry brushing and those early techniques you […]
I don’t really do monthly hobby challenges anymore. While the first Hobby Progress Challenge from the Independent Characters I did pushed me to work on my army, my life and […]
You thought you had escaped, hadn’t you? Surely, by the 22nd, all the various New Year introspectives would be over. Oh no my friend, you vastly underestimate my ability to procrastinate. […]
There is something immensely satisfying about heavy artillery. And batteries of heavy artillery are a staple of 40K imagery, from the horrible, grinding trench warfare at Vraks to the Iron […]
Yesterday, while wandering BoLS, I encountered an editorial, The Real Ugly Side of 40k. The author’s fundamental assertion: that the competitive landscape is beset by ugly and unpainted armies, and at […]
Miniatures gaming is an inherently visual hobby – if it wasn’t we could all play hex-and-counter games on the piles of money we’d save not buying miniatures. And with that […]
There’s something that’s been bouncing around in my mind for a little bit, and I thought now, while I wait for some laundry to finish so I can pack for […]
I’m new to airbrushing. The praise Carl of The Independent Characters fame heaped on the technique, plus hitting an absolute wall with my usual techniques trying to paint yellow encouraged […]
I like female miniatures. I think one of the fundamental realities of the 40K setting is that is sufficiently dark that petty differences begin to fade away in response to […]