Join the Black Parade: Reviewing Gathering Storm II – the Fracture of Biel-tan
There are some serious changes afoot in the 40K setting – Cadia has fallen, the Damocles Gulf is literally on fire, and the Space Wolf vs. Thousand Sons slugfest is […]
There are some serious changes afoot in the 40K setting – Cadia has fallen, the Damocles Gulf is literally on fire, and the Space Wolf vs. Thousand Sons slugfest is […]
Here we are, at the end of my formal review of the Doom of Mymeara version 2, covering the part I was the most excited about: the Eldar Corsair army list. […]
Rare is the time when I feel the need to write a post just so I can have something to link to later, but this is one of those times. […]
And now a small departure from the normal content of this blog which is, apart from reviews, usually pretty analytical. Partially because I’m exhausted at the moment, so complex analysis […]