Inclusion Matters – 40K Edition
Imagine you’re in a city you’ve never been to before, and you’re in the mood to watch whatever sport it is you like. Your team’s playing tonight, and one of […]
Imagine you’re in a city you’ve never been to before, and you’re in the mood to watch whatever sport it is you like. Your team’s playing tonight, and one of […]
There is something immensely satisfying about heavy artillery. And batteries of heavy artillery are a staple of 40K imagery, from the horrible, grinding trench warfare at Vraks to the Iron […]
I like female miniatures. I think one of the fundamental realities of the 40K setting is that is sufficiently dark that petty differences begin to fade away in response to […]
Continuing the review of Doom of Mymeara, we now turn to the Imperial units presented in the book. The previous post, on the fluff and aesthetics of the book, can be […]
I have an Eldar problem. It is known. I don’t particularly apologize for this problem, but readers of this blog will know its there – they’re one of my favorite […]
Thanks to the entire “Allies of the Imperium” faction being Battle Brothers, it’s never been easier to take an army that is, in essence, an Imperium Grab-Bag. This is especially […]
I’ve always had a fondness for the plucky mortal humans of the 40K universe, the brave men and women who face down hordes of demons, aliens and other horrors with […]