My Hopes for the Sisters of Battle

Variance Hammer was on a temporary holiday while I was in Zambia, but a free morning in the hotel and an announcement I’ve been waiting for for years spurred the desire to […]

Musing on Basing

I’ve always been a fan of basing. I’m not sure why – maybe because basing responds really well to thinks like washing and dry brushing and those early techniques you […]

What is "Balance" Anyway?

This blog – and the mini wargaming community as a whole – talks about “balance” a lot. Is the tournament scene balanced? Is the new Killslayer Deathskull Codex balanced? Is […]

Review: KR Backpack2

Every year I try to travel to one, and preferably several, events and I’m confronted with a perennial problem when I do: actually transporting my stuff. I live in a […]