40K on iOS: Warhammer 40000: Deathwatch – Tyranid Invasion Review
I’ve been traveling a lot recently for work, which means I’ve been able to devote less time to the plastic toy soldiers. Miniatures gaming, wonderful as it is as a […]
I’ve been traveling a lot recently for work, which means I’ve been able to devote less time to the plastic toy soldiers. Miniatures gaming, wonderful as it is as a […]
Swift on the heels of the much larger Eldar codex review, we’re taking a look at the new Imperial Knights codex. Despite getting pretty massively beefed up, it’s still a […]
Having covered all the new units in the Eldar codex, we turn now to the other major change in the codex – a massive assortment of formations and detachments that […]
Rounding out the unit-centric part of the Eldar codex review, we now turn to the units we haven’t covered yet: Wraith-type units and the Avatar. It is the former that a […]
The multi-part Eldar codex review now turns to a part of the Eldar army that gets somewhat less attention (and definitely less attention with all the talk about the new […]
Continuing with the multi-part review of the new Codex: Craftworld Eldar, which has previously touched on fluff and aesthetics, HQ choices, the Wave Serpent changes, and the myriad Troops choices […]
Having already discussed the overall fluff and aesthetics of the book, the HQ choices, and a bit on the Wave Serpent, we now turn to Part 4 of my review […]
As I’ve been writing this review, I’ve come to realize the lens through which I think it should be viewed – in relation to the backbone of the last codex, […]
This was originally to be the second of a three part series on the new Eldar Codex, but it’s gotten fairly long, and so instead this is now the second […]
The new Eldar codex was released with a great howl from the Warp, and much wailing and gnashing of teeth from the Internet at large. Would tournaments simply ban the […]