Review: The New White Dwarf
White Dwarf has always been a magazine near and dear to my heart. When I first started in the hobby, it was a source of inspiration – beautiful figures, exciting […]
White Dwarf has always been a magazine near and dear to my heart. When I first started in the hobby, it was a source of inspiration – beautiful figures, exciting […]
The summer has been an interesting one for Games Workshop, with some really interesting releases, but not ones that make major changes to the game, easing off the relentless drumbeat […]
The PC RTS Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, with it’s beautiful graphics and amazingly characterful cinematic scenes, was released with a fair amount of fanfare. On it’s heels was a somewhat more obscure […]
I’m new to airbrushing. The praise Carl of The Independent Characters fame heaped on the technique, plus hitting an absolute wall with my usual techniques trying to paint yellow encouraged […]
I like female miniatures. I think one of the fundamental realities of the 40K setting is that is sufficiently dark that petty differences begin to fade away in response to […]
The somewhat belated second installment of my Warzone Fenris review (apologies, life got in the way), this time covering the actual meat of the book – the rules themselves. Formations for […]
Maelstrom Missions are, without a doubt, my favorite way of playing 40K. I’ve found the games to be closer, more dynamic, and more engaging. They do add an element of […]
Warzone Fenris. Just think about that for a moment. Not Damocles, Sanctus Reach, Damnos or Valdor. Fenris. That’s the home system of one of the Legions. Center of one of the […]
It’s a rare thing for me to do an outright book review here on Variance Hammer – I figure there are likely other places that do that better. But I’m going […]
Here we are, at the end of my formal review of the Doom of Mymeara version 2, covering the part I was the most excited about: the Eldar Corsair army list. […]