A Review 2-for-1: Secret Weapon Miniatures Acrylics & Asian Garden Bases
I really like basing. That’s probably easy to tell from the previous post I wrote…all about basing. For my Talons of the Emperor force for 30K (and 40K if I can cajole […]
I really like basing. That’s probably easy to tell from the previous post I wrote…all about basing. For my Talons of the Emperor force for 30K (and 40K if I can cajole […]
Every year I try to travel to one, and preferably several, events and I’m confronted with a perennial problem when I do: actually transporting my stuff. I live in a […]
Despite writing a lot about competitive 40K, I’m a narrative player at heart. For me, 40K is about telling cool stories with neat models, and competitive gaming is a little […]
Part Two of Variance Hammer’s review of Codex: Craftworlds (part one here). Here we’re going to cover the meat of the codex. I had originally intended to talk about this in […]
Here we are once again my friends. A new edition, a new Eldar codex, and another review of it. This will be coming out in parts, not necessarily because it’s […]
On occasion, I get an idea for a narrative scenario and it takes hold, distracting me from whatever hobby project I’m currently working on to do something to make that […]
There is something immensely satisfying about heavy artillery. And batteries of heavy artillery are a staple of 40K imagery, from the horrible, grinding trench warfare at Vraks to the Iron […]
I’ve been resisting posting much on 8th Edition until I had a chance to play it, because despite my fondness for Theoryhammer (it is, after all, the entire purpose of […]
Playing on some tables at the local club recently that are the classic painted gravel style has reminded me that game mats changed everything – no more skinned knuckles or […]
It’s been a quiet April here at Variance Hammer. I’ve been working on a review for Inferno, digesting Shadow War: Armageddon (which went on sale as I was boarding a plane and […]