Will the Aliens Save Konor?
Games Workshop is running it’s big Fate of Konor summer campaign, and I had a chance to play a game with my brother – my Eldar vs. whatever Imperial figures we […]
Games Workshop is running it’s big Fate of Konor summer campaign, and I had a chance to play a game with my brother – my Eldar vs. whatever Imperial figures we […]
There is something immensely satisfying about heavy artillery. And batteries of heavy artillery are a staple of 40K imagery, from the horrible, grinding trench warfare at Vraks to the Iron […]
There’s a frequent reply to people complaining about the changes in 8th Edition: “If you don’t like it, just play 7th.” This advice makes intuitive sense – after all, it’s […]
I’ve been resisting posting much on 8th Edition until I had a chance to play it, because despite my fondness for Theoryhammer (it is, after all, the entire purpose of […]
Playing on some tables at the local club recently that are the classic painted gravel style has reminded me that game mats changed everything – no more skinned knuckles or […]
The great Time of Reflection Posts continues! This is a post I’ve been meaning to write for awhile – I started thinking about it thinking about the evolution of Horus […]
So we’ve finally gotten some concrete information from Games Workshop on the new Space Marine kit, the so-called “Primaris Marines”. And unlike anything else recently, where my reaction has been […]
The third anniversary of Variance Hammer has come and gone, and as is tradition at this point (three points is a trend) it’s time for some contemplation on the health and […]
Or: Stop Stressing About 8th Edition. One of the pressing questions coming out of the 8th Edition announcement was “What about Horus Heresy?” The answer, for the moment, appears to […]
It’s a matter of weeks now before 8th Edition rolls out, with many, many changes afoot. It also happens to be close to the 3rd anniversary of Variance Hammer getting started. […]